Tuesday 7 May 2024

Do Epic Shit


Ankur Warikoo's book "Do Epic Shit" is a dynamic guide that empowers readers to pursue ambitious goals and live life to the fullest. Warikoo's engaging narrative and practical insights inspire action and self-discovery. Through relatable stories and actionable advice, the book encourages readers to break free from comfort zones and embrace challenges with enthusiasm. It's a motivating read that instills the courage and mindset needed to embark on a journey of personal and professional fulfillment.

Bottom line :
It's more sound like an autobiography cum self help book. He confesses his mistakes on his professional life and with extra maturity to regain it to the double. The Core point is It's never too late to start the life from the scratch.  Do It even in your 60s.

Recommended audience :
Those who seek a torch light when they feel trapped themselves in the dark. A motivational autobiography!

Rating : 8.4/10

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